
Listen to your favorite music from our licensed radio stations!
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U.S. ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, SoundExchange, & SOCAN (Canada)

Internet Radio PRONETLicensing

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Calculate your PRONETLicensing Guesstimate Monthly

Calculations are based on 24/hours, if you stream less hours in a day the total calculation
will decrease by the percentage e.g., if you stream 12 hours
your cost should decrease 50%
Calculator below is for the $144.95 plan
We also have a $99.95 and $114.95 plan on the pricing and signup page

Calculator might not work in Internet Explorer browsers, so use Firefox or another browser for now

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Example: The calculated per day streaming price: and 31 days price (you will owe to SoundExchange)$:

Our monthly fee
PRONETLicensing includes #songs/hour ($144.95): Total $: includes SESAC, BMI, ASCAP, SoundExchange
PRONETLicensing .10% Affiliate revenue/expenses: Total $:
PRONETLicensing Affiliate ATH: Total $:
Number of stations (2 allowed free): Total $:

e.g. below is with 3,000 over that allowed by ASCAP has additional when over 7,000 ATH who had 10,000 ATH
Total $: With the extra cost of ASCAP adds to Total cost

If you do not use ASCAP music the amount in this box is subtracted from the total amount in the next box below - but you should probably have this

The 31 day price above is also subtracted from the box below - since it will be applied using your $500/yr payment to SoundExchange until this amount is used up.

PRONETLicensing Total Cost month:$


Go direct with SoundExchange-Do not go over 159,140ATH/month when you do pay them the difference of allowed performance overage at a rate of performancesxsongsx.0017 as above
PRONETLicensing rate based on #songs/hour ($149.95):Total $: includes SESAC, BMI, ASCAP, SoundExchange
ASCAP Total $: With the extra cost of ASCAP adds approx $15/mth to Total cost
Number of stations (2 allowed free): Total $:
PRONETLicensing 10% Affiliate revenue/expenses: Total $:
PRONETLicensing Affiliate ATH no extra: Total $:
If you do not use ASCAP music the amount ($15) is subtracted from the total amount in the next box

PRONETLicensing Total Cost month:$

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Stations SoundExchange makes it legal to play music as Internet Radio: They require $1,000/yr one-time nonrefundable and usage is subtracted from this $1,000 monthly and overages will be your responsibility to pay at performancesxlistenersx$.0017
If ASCAP also asks for a performance fee it will be that cost instead of or in addition to this $15 or $15+estimate. ASCAP overages will be your responsibility to pay after the month ends.

We also have a $99.95 and $114.95 plan on the pricing and signup page

Start small and play less songs/hr use talk shows, and you can buy royalty free music to play
None of this is legal advice - We do want you to keep your station, and you may have to start small and play less songs per hour or not stream 24/7. Disclaimer:Through this guesstimate we are not waivering any legal rights.

If you are an existing Affiliate and need Affiliate Support please Click Here to open a Support Ticket or for Quotes All rights reserved.
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