
Listen to your favorite music from our licensed radio stations!
MD-DC-VA Local

U.S. ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, SoundExchange, & SOCAN (Canada)

Internet Radio PRONETLicensing

StationsYou can get your Internet Radio Station legal today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What kind of streaming servers is your service compatible with?


    Shoutcast 1 and Shoutcast 2 and Icecast-KH servers only. (Icecast 2 (non-KH) version 2.4.2 due out in early 2015 will also be supported.)

    Please note: We do not presently support WMA. If you stream to an Icecast server, our service currently only works with Icecast-KH servers. (Icecast 2 (non-KH) version 2.4.2 due out in early 2015 will also be supported.) Icecast-KH servers are a new and special version of Icecast and provides enhanced functionality and statistics. If your streaming provider does not currently offer Icecast-KH servers, Click Here for a list of Resource Providers and more information on choosing your Stream Provider.

    If you would like to verify prior to signing up whether your station's stream servers are compatible with, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to verify your stream(s). If we find that any of your streams are not compatible, we will be happy to refer you to one of our friendly preferred providers.

  • Is______ compatible with your service??


    Commonly asked about broadcasting software that is FULLY compatible with include:

  • Spacial Audio Solutions - SAM Broadcaster
    SAM Broadcaster

    Station Playlist Studio

    LiveWebDJ - Cloud Based Auto DJ

    Since our monitor engine pulls the data we need from your stream server, any broadcasting software that properly sends the artist and song title out to your stream server will work fine. Please make sure that your streaming server is compatible, refer to the previous question.

  • What payment methods do you accept?


    We presently accept Online Debit and Credit Cards and PayPal Payments. With PayPal you will pay manually-initiated payments or you can set up automated, recurring payments by using our Online Debit or Credit Card System.

  • What is ATH and TLH and why does do they matter?


    ATH = Aggregated Tuning Hours and is essentially the same as Total Listening Hours (TLH). 1 listener listening for 1 hour = 1 ATH (or TLH). Your total ATH is the sum total of all the minutes your listeners stay tuned in. ATH is also a component of the fees we pay the licensing entities.

  • If I license with can I air in-stream commercials?


    Absolutely! We pay a bit more for our license so that you are not limited in any way. In fact, the more revenue you can generate, the better for all concerned. Go for it!
  • What limitations do Copyright Laws impose on my song playlist?
    ... Can I play requests? ... How about 6 songs from one artist in a row?


    Copyright Law for Internet Radio Broadcasting imposes limitations on playing song requests and scheduling playlists. (For more details see our Broadcast Affiliates' T.O.S.) The following non-exhaustive list of activities is prohibited:

    • Playing a specific song within one hour of a request by a listener or at a time specifically designated or requested by the listener.
    • Publishing any advance program guides or using the chat/discussion function or any other means to pre-announce when a particular song will be played or the order in which songs will be played.
    • Intentionally playing more than three songs (and not more than two songs in a row) from the same recording or compact disc within a three hour period.
    • Intentionally performing or causing to perform more than four songs (and not more than three songs in a row) from the same recording artist or anthology/box set.
  • Am I able to launch my players from my site?
    ... What about embedded players or player links?


    Yes you maintain your branding and launch your own players from your site.

    However, since our web domain is the copyrighted domain name (not your domain name), your popup players, embedded players, and / or player links must OPEN under our domain. Our Radio Button Player makes this happen easily and automatically for you. However, if you want the player page to completely reflect your branding and website, we will host your custom page (player page hosting included at no extra charge) so you can do that virtually seamlessly and meet copyright law. Your listener notices nothing and your branding remains intact. Contact us for examples of Affiliate sites.

    Here are is an example website copyright and BMI compliant:
    Radio button: Music player

    Not to worry, we help you make the website code transitions. Feel free to open a support ticket once you've signed up.

  • How do I know that is legitimate?


    That is an important and valid question. First, the ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and SoundExchange logos on our page can only be displayed by those with a legitimate relationship with the logo owners. Our SOCAN license number is displayed in the sidebar and can be verified with SOCAN.

    Second, view

  • Do you have a tutorial to help me complete the five steps (see next question) required for coverage?


    Click here to see our station and stream sign up tutorials.

  • What do I have to do, once I sign with to
    meet the copyright and royalty rules?


    After you sign up with you essentially have five things to take care of. See our Terms Of Service on our Legal Page for full disclosure.

    1. Enter your Station and Stream info in our system so we can pull the music and listener data necessary for our reports and fee payments to the five licensing entities. All streams covered by must be entered and validating for continued coverage. Click here to see our station and stream sign up tutorials.

    2. Some changes will have to be made to your website to meet copyright and licensing entities' rules. You must only launch all embedded players, popup players, and player launch links from our copyrighted and licensed domain ( ). The Custom Content Folder we provide at no additional charge allows you to build a player page for us to host that can make this virtually seamless to your listeners.

      Additionally, our agreement with BMI mandates that your parent website (your own website) must close when listeners click on your listen button to open your pages under our copyrighted domain ( ). For more information see our Website Changes Tutorials click here. For other examples, clarifications, or information contact us by clicking here.

    3. On your main website page, you will need to add your Validating Banner. For more information click here.

    4. Once a month log into your account and enter your previous month's Expenses and Gross Revenue on your online reporting page. To find out how click here.

    5. Now, just maintain the appropriate monthly fee for your listener and revenue / expense parameters and we take care of it all from here.